Welcome Baby Cole!!

Livonia, MI-- Newborn session

Congratulations to Jeff, Kristi, and MJ on the new addition to the family!! Following in big brother's footsteps, this little guy was awake most of the time and wanted to join the party! He was very calm and very sweet.

What a beautiful family. So happy for my cousin, Jeffy.  The happy parents also celebrated their 3rd anniversary this week, so it was nice timing for some photo love.

Speaking of timing, I finally got to hold Cole at the end of our session, and that is when he softly went to sleep! Of course. So, I did what any photographer would do-- I stole him back and went back to shooting. I could have kept taking photos of Baby Cole all afternoon... Stay tuned. We are doing a family session in the fall. Whoo-hoo!

Harrison Newbies

Congratulations Coleman and Kara!!
Grand Rapids, MI

I’m so happy for the Baar family! I was privileged to photograph Coleman and Kara’s wedding! These two incredible humans made another incredible human! With the pet pig, the house is uber fun. 

In case you missed it, you can view their wedding here:


Harrison is a little ball of smiles and coos. Adorable, little laid-back Baar Baby. 

Here is a little preview: