Congratulations to Kirstin and Jake!! What a fun celebration for such a fun couple!
These two met at Hope College, in the back seat of a mutual friend’s van while catching a ride home in a rainstorm. They were friends for a while and finally got serious in their junior year of college. They started dating in October of 2017 and have been together ever since! Jake proposed on October 29th , 2020. It was important to him that she was surprised and she was! He decorated the basement of their AirBnB on a visit home to west Michigan and lured her there the morning they checked out under false pretenses. He popped the question and Kirstin’s bridesmaids, Grace and Alex, jumped out of the closet with champagne!
Jake and Kirstin describe themselves as “the cool kind of nerdy”. They love to socialize and meet new people (especially when it involves dancing). They share a love of fantasy books and movies and love having conversations about things like politics, stocks, and fanfiction. They always know that whatever weird interest one of them is picking up at a given moment, the other is always there to listen and engage. Their relationship is one of intense comfort and joy in knowing that they love and accept each other just as they are.
Best of wishes to you both! Thank you so much for choosing me to document your story. Enjoy the preview of your day….